Cobblemon Delta Hero
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Entralink Information

Explore our unique features and game mechanics!

General Information

The Entralink can be entered by speaking to the Plasma Grunt at /warp Entralink! You can explore! Complete dream dungeons, defeat alphas, and find items using a dowsing machine or riding on Ursanette! Once you collect enough DNA and Dream Mist, you can create a disc to obtain a fusion!

Illustration for General Information

Dream Dungeons

Dream Gateways will randomly spawn in the Entralink. When you jump into it, you'll be prompted to start the dungeon! You can enter with up to 5 people. Dream Dungeons have 3 tiers, the higher the tier, the more dream mist that you get in the chests and from completing the dungeon. Dream Dungeons are mini-dungeons with low time limits. It's best to split up and explore the 3 rooms to unlock the boss room.

  • Upon entering this room, you'll be swarmed by alphas! Defeat them to complete the room!
  • Find the 10 dream ball loots hidden in random spots to complete the room!
  • Parkour around the room and collect the stakes to complete the room!
  • Defeat Musharna and all of the minions to complete the dungeon! Large amounts of dream mist are rewarded for completing the dungeon.
Illustration for Dream DungeonsIllustration for Dream DungeonsIllustration for Dream DungeonsIllustration for Dream DungeonsIllustration for Dream Dungeons

Fusion Labs & Fusion Machine

Create Fusion Discs by collecting DNA and Dream Mist and combining them in a fusion machine! Alphas in the Entralink drop DNA and Dream Mist is obtained from completing dream dungeons. Once you have enough, you can create a disc to start a fusion lab challenge!

Team Plasma Grunts in the Entralink can activate discs for you, but be careful! If you lose to them before round 5, the deal is that they keep the fusion for themselves! You can enter the fusion lab with 1 other person. You will have a multi-battle against 2 Team Plasma Grunts. Work together with your friend to take them down! Once you past round 5, you get the fusion, but if you continue to get further, IVs, shiny, and hidden ability rates increase!

Every 5 levels the Team Plasma Grunts increase in difficulty! They begin with regular Pokemon, then ubers, then hackmon regular, then hackmon ubers!

  • Round 1-5: Shiny 1/200 HA 1/100 1 31 IV
  • Round 6-10: Shiny 1/150 HA 1/75 2 31 IVs
  • Round 11-15: Shiny 1/100 HA 1/50 3 31 IVs
  • Round 16-19: Shiny 1/50 HA 1/25 4 31 IVs
  • Round 20: Shiny 1/30 HA 1/15 5 31 IVs
Illustration for Fusion Labs & Fusion MachineIllustration for Fusion Labs & Fusion MachineIllustration for Fusion Labs & Fusion Machine

Dowsing/Ursanette Riding

In Entralink, you can use your Dowsing Machine to find rare items! Some of these items include Delta Mega Stones, Ancient Origin Balls, and Trial Keys!

Ursanette Riding is the next level of loot in the Entralink! This is how you can find Herba Mystica, Ogerpon Masks, and Genesect parts.

Illustration for Dowsing/Ursanette RidingIllustration for Dowsing/Ursanette Riding

Spawn Information

Select a type below, and we'll show you all alpha Pokémon in that type. Click a Pokémon's spoiler to reveal its spawn biomes!

Illustration for Spawn Information